Monday, March 07, 2005

Pro Extender Penile Traction Device

ProExtender Medical Device

ProExtender™ fits at either end of the penis and creates a gentle expansion by safely applying calibrated, continuous pressure by means of a system of expandable bars. This stretching opens up spaces between penile cells, and triggers a growth or healing response in the body, in which adjacent cells begin to divide and fill in the space.

With continued use, the growth can number in the millions of new cells, significantly adding size and tissue to the area. Details on using the ProExtender™ traction device for Peyronies treatment can be found below.

This device is meant to be discreetly worn under the clothes and/or during sleep. Marketed under the name ProExtender™, the device can be obtained online at

Now, you can enlarge your penis without invasive surgery or even embarrassing Doctor's appointments. The ProExtender™ will increase the length and girth of your penis right in the privacy of your own home! The ProExtender™ utilizes the same proven methods that Orthopaedic Specialists use in lengthening limbs

The ProExtender™ has been tested on patients who have all obtained lengthening of the penis after using the device in accordance with instructions. The lengthening is permanent and does not entail a narrowing of the circumference of the penis.

The test subjects achieved an average lengthening of the erected penis of 2.8 cm (24 per cent) after a treatment period of 3-4 months. The treatment does not affect urination, sexual prowess or the power of reproduction. Lengthening can only be obtained by daily usage of the device and the effect correlates with the number of hours of usage. The above mentioned results were obtained after 12 hours’ daily treatment over a period of 3 months.

Peyronies Treatment with Pro Extender™

All men who would like to strengthen and lengthen their penises are good candidates for ProExtender™. Men who have an embarrassing or disruptive curve to the penis (medically known as Peyronie's Disease) benefit from the use of this device too -- in fact, this Danish-made doctor-designed device is used in hundreds of clinics and hospitals worldwide specifically for the treatment of Peyronie's.

More information on treating Peyronie's disease with ProExtender

Penis Surgery Costs

Penis Enhancement Surgery Costs

Surgery works for some, but there are enough horror stories around that I wouldn't risk it - Be warned, there is no going back.

Penile lengthening surgery costs between $7,000 and $12,000, and involves cutting into the penis and the supporting tissues. Studies show that 69% of the men who've undergone this process are disappointed with the results, and at least 75% are unhappy with the way they look after such surgery. In addition, the side effects of surgery can be frightening - permanent disfigurement and interference with function are two immediate side efffects, not to mention the psychological and physiological trauma of such an invasive procedure.

More info on penis enlargement surgery...

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How to Increase Sperm Motility

Male infertility may be caused by a number of factors, including problems associated with sperm production, sperm transport, and sperm motility as well as anatomical problems, and infection.

Problems with sperm production can result in a reduced sperm count. The reduced sperm count may be caused by a number of factors, including hormone changes, mediciness, drug and alcohol use, excessive caffeine, smoking and testicular injury. These factors might also cause a lowered motility. Sperm motility is determined by the percentage of sperm that are moving or swimming.

Sperm motility is also affected by increased temperature. If the testicles get too warm, the sperm motility and even the sperm count may be reduced. Increased temperature of the scrotum may be caused by use of waterbeds, spa's and saunas, as well as wearing tight underwear or pants. Increased numbers of abnormal sperm can be caused through taking medications, drugs and alcohol, as well as testicular injury, and exposure to chemicals or heavy metals. It is thought that these abnormal sperm are not capable of fertilization.

A unique blend of herbal ingredients can provide the nutrients needed to increase sperm motility and produce up to 500% more semen. The ingredients stimulate sperm and testosterone production in the testes. You will notice an increase in sperm volume within just a few days and it can reach up to 500% if the program is continued.

Click here to buy Semenax Sperm Motility Pills online...

Pro Extender Penis Stretching Information

Pro Extender

Pro Extender is the leading penis traction device for those seeking to lengthen their penis. Here are answers to common questions about the device.

Does the ProExtender™ require a certain length or thickness of the penis?
No! The Pro Extender™ is developed for penises of all proportions. It can also be used on circumcised penises.

Does the effect recede over time?
No! The enlargement of the penis is permanent.

Are there any side effects?
No the use of the ProExtender™ have no influence on erection, urination or fertility. The ProExtender™ does not cause allergy. Some initial soreness is normal.

What happens in case of erection while the ProExtender™ is worn?
The Pro Extender™ either adjusts to the given erection angle or simply glides off smoothly to be applied again.

Do I have to follow a fixed treatment pattern?
No, you can wear the Pro Extender™ as you please. The result depends only, on the total amount of hours worn, and the traction involved.

Does the ProExtender™ help in case of a curved penis?
Yes! The Pro Extender™ has proved efficient in straightening the penis.

Click here to Order ProExtender Online...