Sunday, December 05, 2004

Compare Cialis, Viagra and Levitra

"Cialis vs Viagra vs Levitra Comparison Pack
Generic Impotence (ED) Pills - Assorted Pack: 30 Pills for only $145
Generic Viagra, Generic Cialis and Generic Levitra in one package

The Budget Medicines Assorted HARD Pack contains:
10 x 100mg Sildenafil Citrate (Generic Viagra)
10 x 20mg Tadalafil (Generic Cialis)
10 x 20mg Vardenafil (Generic Levitra) "

Cialis vs Viagra

"Cialis vs Viagra
  • Cialis works for up to 36 hours

  • Viagra works up to 4.5 - 5 hours

  • Cialis is usually cheaper than Viagra

  • Cialis is taken 20 - 60 minutes before sex

  • Viagra is taken 60 minutes before sex

  • Side effects are similar - up to 10% of users experience headache, red face

  • Cialis is reported to be more effective for diabetics

  • Cialis is more effective on a full stomach

  • Viagra tablets are easier to split

  • Do NOT take Cialis within 24 hours of taking Viagra

What is Cialis?

"Cialis is a new and exciting Impotence Treament for Sexual Dysfunction (Impotence) from Lilly-Icos that received FDA approval in late November 2003. It is claimed to have certain advantages over Viagra, including remaining active up to 8x longer.

24 March 2004 - A newly published study which was conducted by German urologists and the UCLA School of Medicine has found that 73% of men who tried both Viagra and Cialis preferred Cialis over Viagra."