A Guide to Discount Cialis Pharmacies Online: "Cialis® vs Viagra®
Cialis works for up to 36 hours
Viagra works up to 4.5 - 5 hours
Cialis is usually cheaper than Viagra
Cialis is taken 20 - 60 minutes before sex
Viagra is taken 60 minutes before sex
Side effects are similar - up to 10% of users experience headache, red face
Cialis is reported to be more effective for diabetics
Cialis is more effective on a full stomach
Viagra tablets are easier to split
Do NOT take Cialis within 24 hours of taking Viagra
Visit our web-site for Cialis and Generic Cialis Prices"
Cialis works for up to 36 hours
Viagra works up to 4.5 - 5 hours
Cialis is usually cheaper than Viagra
Cialis is taken 20 - 60 minutes before sex
Viagra is taken 60 minutes before sex
Side effects are similar - up to 10% of users experience headache, red face
Cialis is reported to be more effective for diabetics
Cialis is more effective on a full stomach
Viagra tablets are easier to split
Do NOT take Cialis within 24 hours of taking Viagra
Visit our web-site for Cialis and Generic Cialis Prices"