Monday, June 05, 2006

Buy Aldara Cream Online

Aldara Information and Prices.

Aldara cream has been developed to help people treat external genital warts. Aldara has been designed not only to get rid of the warts but also to help the body fight the virus that causes the warts. Aldara is a patient applied treatment, which makes it highly convenient, compared to other treatment methods, as it can be applied easily at home.

Aldara will not destroy healthy skin, which means that removing the wart is more comfortable than most normal treatments. Aldara can work in as little as 4 weeks, with minimal side effects. Aldara cream cannot prevent new warts from forming but in most cases can completely remove the existing warts. Aldara is meant only for external use and should never be used internally.

12 packets Aldara 5 percent Cream $224.10**
36 packets Aldara 5 percent Cream $555.00**

Click here to buy Aldara Online...

**The "Total Price" listed above includes the medical processing fee and FREE 1-2 Day shipping in the USA. Other shipping methods or international shipping at extra cost.

How should Aldara be taken?

Aldara is a cream and needs to be applied directly to the wart so that it can begin to dissolve it and fight the underlying virus.

Who shouldn’t use Aldara?

Pregnant women should not use Aldara cream, as it is currently unknown how it may affect their pregnancy. Only people with genital or perennial warts should use Aldara.

What side effects does Aldara have?

There are some side effects with Aldara, these side effects usually occur around the treatment area and can include redness, peeling, and swelling.

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