Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Digestive Formula

Digestive Formula: "Life Plus Digestive Formula is a unique two-phase digestive supplement that imitates and complements the two primary phases of healthy digestion.

In phase one (the stomach), acidic nutrients are released from each tablet, along with the protein digesting enzymes pepsin, papain, and bromelain, to support a healthy acidic enzyme environment.

In the second phase (small intestine), the bicarbonate, pancreatic enzymes, and bile salts just like the gallbladder and pancreas are released to help digestion in the upper intestines. Pancreatic enzymes are multifunctional, because they help the digestion of all foods, including proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates.

The old saying you are what you eat is only partly true; you are what you eat, digest, and assimilate. Healthy digestion is fundamental to good health. Try Digestive Formula for a month or two and see if it makes a difference. If it does, you and your entire body will be glad you did. "


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